so here’s the scenario… we land in Newark just in time to miss our flight to Milan… that was Thursday. Spent most of Friday in Newark hanging around the airport playing on the iPhone and taking Piggy to Dunkin’ Donuts. Since we don’t have one of those in Minneapolis, I thought he should savor the experience. He thought it was an excellent diversion to the fact he wasn’t in Italy yet.
Made it on the plane – very full flight and my seat, be it an exit row, was right next to 2 bathrooms, one of which was a family changing room. Made it for a very busy hallway most of the night. So, no sleep for this one on the plane – that’s 9 hours and I can safely say I was up for a solid 24 before we made it to the UNA Malpensa Hotel in Lengano.
It’s a beautiful place the Festival is putting us up in until Wednesday – very modern, and there is a shopping mall practically next door that I might have to check out, just so I can say I’ve been in an Italian mall. Piggy, my husband’s website mascot ( was happy to find his first cup of espresso and a good nap before our 3:30 rehearsal this afternoon.
We left on the bus with the Latvian choir at 6pm this evening for a marathon of choral singing – 10 choirs and we were 9th on the roster.
3-1/2 hours later, The Rose blew everyone away with our short performance. We did a good job and I’m happy to have one under the belt. Tomorrow will be insane as jet lag will surely set in. We have a 10:30 rehearsal, lunch at 1pm, back to the hotel then off on the bus for Milan for another marathon 10 choir concert and I think we’re last. Ouch. Only saving grace is that this will start at 5pm rather than 8pm, so we should be back by 10pm. Note to self: I have to remember to buy some beverages. Seems the bar at the hotel hasn’t been open…
More to come – ciao for now!
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Quit spoiling that stupid pig. We just got him back from Paris (where he stole my credit card and had a field day) and now you’re letting him take advantage of you in Milan! He’s such a ham!
Glad all is well in Lengano. Not surprising the Rose is blowing everyone away. They did request you come back this year and they’ve never done that for anyone before.
Keep Piggy away from the mall. He’ll come home with ten boxes of shoes. You know how he is.
The Rose Ensemble on YouTube widget doesn’t seem to be working…