
Thank you for supporting The Rose Ensemble!

It’s not every day that an opportunity to benefit non-profits in Minnesota arises, but tomorrow is our opportunity.  Give to the Max Day is from 8:00 a.m. on November 17, 2009 until 8:00 a.m. on November 18, 2009. Every donation made during Give to the Max Day will receive a portion of the $500,000 match. This means the exact amount matched per dollar donated will be determined after Give to the Max Day conclude.

It’s easy – log on to

In the blue DONATE box, type in The Rose Ensemble and hit enter (you may have to click on the The Rose Ensemble RE_2Cstlogo to continue to our page)

You will be brought to our page where you can select your level of giving, anywhere from $10 on up.  We also have an small informative video about what The Rose Ensemble does to better your understanding of our organization.

Our goal is simple.  500 people to donate $10.  That’s it!  So mark you calendar for tomorrow, November 16th and click on this link:

Your donations keep great musicians working – thank you for your support!

Give to the Max Day – Frequently Asked Questions

What is Give to the Max Day?

Give to the Max Day is a giving stimulus plan created to increase giving to non profits across Minnesota on November 17, 2009. Our goal is to raise as much money as possible for Minnesota charities in 24 hours. The Saint Paul Foundation, Minneapolis Foundation and Bush Foundation have committed $500,000 in matching contributions to support community needs in Minnesota and to cover transaction fees so that 100% of all donations go to the nonprofit organizations.

How do the matching contributions work?

Give to the Max Day is from 8:00 a.m. on November 17, 2009 until 8:00 a.m. on November 18, 2009. Every donation made during Give to the Max Day will receive a portion of the $500,000 match. This means the exact amount matched per dollar donated will be determined after Give to the Max Day concludes. We will divide the $500,000 of matching funds by the total donations.

Examples of how the matching dollars will work: if Give to the Max Day inspires $500,000 in donations, we will provide $1 in matching funds per dollar donated to an organization; if Give to the Max Day inspires $2,000,000 in donations, we will provide $.25 in matching funds per dollar donated to an organization.

What are the other incentives offered on Give to the Max Day?

The three nonprofits that receive donations from the most individual donors will receive cash prizes: $5,000 for first prize, $2,500 for second, and $1,000 for third.

Who can participate in Give to the Max Day?

Any individual may donate. Donations through the site to nonprofit organizations are tax deductible and irrevocable (donations will not be refunded.)  Only contributions to Minnesota based nonprofits through the site will be matched.   Contributions may be made via credit card only.

What organizations are eligible to receive funds?

Minnesota-based nonprofit organizations listed on and its sister website,, are eligible to receive matching funds. All organizations listed on GuideStar are listed on

How much of the donation will go to the nonprofit?

GiveMN funding partners will cover all transaction fees to ensure that 100% of the donations will go to the nonprofit organization. Credit card transactions will be processed by Network for Good at a rate of 4.75%.

Is there a fee to participate?

There is no fee for an organization to participate in Give to the Max Day.

Is there a minimum donation?

The minimum credit card donation on is $10.

Is there a maximum donation?

There is no maximum donation limit on

Is there a limit to the amount an organization can receive on Give the Max Day?

There is no maximum to the amount an organization may receive.

Is there a maximum match amount?

Individual donation transactions greater than $2,500 will be eligible for matching gifts up to $2,500 only. For example, if a donor makes a $2,500 donation to an organization, the full $2,500 will be eligible to receive a portion of the matching funds. If instead she donated $10,000 to an organization, only $2,500 would be eligible to receive a portion of the matching dollars.

How can an organization receive donations?

If you are registered on GuideStar, you are already listed on GiveMN, so you don’t need to do anything. If not, contact MAP for nonprofits at 651.393.2170 or

How will an organization know who has donated to them?

Organizations who have registered with GiveMN or Razoo can track donations in real time online. To find out how to request administrative rights, go to and follow the instructions. Organizations will also receive donor acknowledgement information with your Network for Good check, unless the donor has requested that their gift remain anonymous.

Fact Sheet is an innovative online resource that will change the way Minnesotans give and
help create a stronger nonprofit community for Minnesota.
The Need